Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins reviewed by Tamalin Salisbury

What would you do if the world you knew ended? What would happen if you found out that your entire life up until this moment had been just a sick game where you were a pawn and the kings and queens manipulated you to your limits? What would you do? Where’s Peeta? All of these questions were running through Katniss’ mind when she woke up in a hospital bed in the secret District 13. With her home destroyed and her promises broken, all she can do is wander around the halls of the district and hide from the numerous guards in charge of keeping her together. But when the rebels decide to use her to strike at the Capitol, she decides to use every waking moment to find out the truth of what’s going on, and to finally stop the Capitol and all its tyranny.
            With friends revealed, plots uncovered, and secrets kept, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins is sure to wow the audience with the insanely complex twists and turns that the main character is put through. Follow Katniss as she struggles both internally and externally with herself in order to find out the truth about her life and the lives of those around her. I’d recommend this book to anyone who has stuck with the story so far. As with the rest of the series,  Mockingjay is sure to catch your attention and keep you in suspense. 

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