Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins reviewed by Bartholomew Perez

Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games is an amazing book that everyone will enjoy. The book is loaded with action, romance, and well-placed cliff hangers that will leave you on the edge of your seat. The story is well plotted and easy to follow. The Hunger Games is a story based around a young girl named Kattniss, resident of District 12 which is the main coal supplier for the Capitol. The Capitol is the evil dictating government run by the even more sinister and most likely insane President Snow, a dying sick old man who gained power by killing off his enemies and some of his allies.  
The title is based off the books Hunger Games which is a tournament that involves the twelve districts giving up two tributes--one male and one female. The pair will then have to fight the other two tributes from each districts totaling in 24 tributes; of the 24, only one may survive to return home with the prize of honor and extra rations for his or her District. The tournament is a way of reminding the districts that never again should they ever fight the power of the Capitol.                       
The two tributes from District 12 are Kattniss and Peta. Kattniss, one of the two protagonists, is the narratorr. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Unfortunately, Kattniss lost her father in a mine collapse. She is a brave and beautiful young lady who is also a trained hunter. Her morals are what make her a good person.  One example is when her younger sister Prim is called to be the official tribute for District 12, Kattniss steps forward to take her place without hesitation. Throughout the book, she faces many challenges such as trust issues and moral strife. I find this book is worthwhile and exhilarating and I would recommend it to any person capable of reading. This book is in simple terms completely and totally worth being put on the big screen.    

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